Indoor Monitoring System | Pilot in Fundão and Pinhel


About the Project

Our research aims to explore remote, rural locales nestled within mountainous regions, specifically in Cova da Beira, Fundão municipality, and Pinhel municipality, Guarda district.

The project aspires to establish a sustainable system that not only fosters but also informs governance decisions, thereby effectively enhancing the quality of life, health, and overall well-being within these areas.

The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions in such rural and secluded areas holds promise in monitoring and predicting potential environmental and climatic hazards, including the detection of hazardous levels of toxic gases in the atmosphere.

Moreover, the systematic monitoring of air quality and other natural resources serves to safeguard and conserve the environment and its inherent resources, thereby augmenting the environmental and scenic value of these territories.

our news

Latest news from our research

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Projeto-Piloto é desenvolvido por uma equipa multidisciplinar da Universidade[…]

Projeto no Fundão e em Pinhel monitoriza casas para melhorar qualidade de vida

Uma equipa multidisciplinar da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI)[…]

Our Team

Bruno Silva

coordinating researcher

Assistant Professor

Nuno Pombo

team member

Associate Professor

Pedro Inácio

team member

Associate Professor

Sandra Soares

team member

Assistant Professor

João Castro Gomes

team member

Full Professor

Seyed Jafari

team member

PhD Student

Rui Pinto

team member

PhD Student

Lígia Lopes

team member

PhD Student

Edgar Ladeira

team member

MSc Student


Contact and Headquarters

sins-lab is physically located in rooms 6.10 and 6.12 of the department of computer science @ UBI.